Middle East - Iraq
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Control Room

Control Room (DVD)

Starring: Samir Khader, Lt. Josh Rushing Director: Jehane Noujaim

A chronicle which provides a rare window into the international perception of the Iraq War, courtesy of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular news outlet.
I Know I'm Not Alone

I Know I'm Not Alone (DVD)

Studio: Epitaph / Wea

In 2004 Michael Franti decided to ‘walk his talk’ and traveled to the war zones of Iraq, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This wasn’t a USO green zone sponsored visit – Franti and his team organized a trip that would take him to the core of the red-zoned, war torn neighborhoods of Baghdad, the West Bank and Gaza Strip armed with only a guitar, video cameras and the intent to experience first hand the human cost of war.

Michael Franti's album: Yell Fire!

Uncovered - The Whole Truth About the Iraq War

Uncovered - The Whole Truth About the Iraq War (DVD)

Starring: David Albright, Robert Baer Director: Robert Greenwald

This controversial and arresting film offers an in-depth look at the actual arguments, speeches and spin given by President Bush and his senior advisors before, during, and after the Iraq invasion.
Gunner Palace

Gunner Palace (DVD)

Starring: Bryant Davis, Devon Dixon Director: Petra Epperlein, Michael Tucker

American soldiers of the 2/3 Field Artillery, a group known as the "Gunners," tell of their experiences in Baghdad during the Iraq War. Holed up in a bombed out pleasure palace built by Sadaam Hussein, the soldiers endured hostile situations some four months after President George W. Bush declared the end of major combat operations in the country.
Occupation: Dreamland

Occupation: Dreamland (DVD)

Starring: Matthew Bacik, Chris Corcione Director: Ian Olds, Garrett Scott

In January, 2004, in Al-Falluja, Iraq, a documentary film crew follows an infantry squad of the 82nd Airborne, US Army. Cameras accompany the squad of seven on day and night patrols, as they watch their backs, kick down doors, search for weapons, interrogate women, detain a few people, and listen to the complaints of locals. At their barracks, a former Baathist retreat called Dreamland, the men talk: about why they enlisted, civilian prospects, feelings about the war and Iraqis, where they were when a comrade died a few weeks before.

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