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Last updated 11/08/06


Adding Friendly Domains to your Secret Password Filters

'Friendly Domains' allows certain Senders to bypass your Secret Password filter entirely based on the domain name in their address.

It is not always possible for legitimate (non-SPAM) Senders to include your "Secret Password" in the body of their message.  For instance, you may belong to a newsgroup, ListServ or wish to receive auto-communications from certain vendors.   In these cases you must identify '"friendly" domains within your Secret Password filter:

  1. Access your E-Mail Administration Interface using the e-mail address you have the Secret Password filter set on (e.g.
  2. From the Administrative Account Options menu, select "Change Processing Rules"
  3. Locate your Secret Password rule on the screen, then click the "Modify Rule" icon (image of a pencil)
  4. In the FIELD options, select  "doesn't contain".
  5. In the PHRASE field, enter the domain name of the friendly Sender. (e.g. if you wish to receive generated messages from Web Panache, enter in this area.)
  6. Click the "Add Condition" button.
  7. Insert the "AND" between your list of rules by clicking the "InsertAND" button.  The "AND" should appear between the rules.  This sequence is very important.
  8. Click Finish.

Add as many friendly domains as necessary by following the same process.


Messages from Senders identified as Friendly Domains will be delivered to you, even if they do not contain your Secret Password.

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